(Course Code: 224KEΥ, Course outline)
(Course Code: 224KEΥ, Course outline)
Semester: | 6 | Teaching Credits: | 3 | ECTS Credits: | 6 | Type: |
Optional Compulsory |
Prerequisite Courses: | – | Course type: | Special background | Instructor: | Georgia Gatidou |
Weekly topics: |
Theory – Lectures (hours / week): |
3 |
Exercises – Laboratories (hours / week): |
– |
Other Activities: | – |
Grading: | Assignment – power point presentation (30%)
Final examination (70%) |
Notes: | – |
Basic Textbook: | • Xημεία Περιβάλλοντος: Μια παγκόσμια θεώρηση, 2022. vanLoon W. Gary, Duffy J. Stephen, Επιμ. Χρυσή Καραπαναγιώτη, University Studio Press. • Χημεία Περιβάλλοντος, 2021. Baird Colin, Cann Michael, Επιμ. Μάνος Ι. Δασενάκης, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd. • Η Χημεία του περιβάλλοντος με μία ματιά, 2008. Ian Pulford and Hugh Flowers, Επιμ. Κωνσταντίνη Σαμαρά-Κωνσταντίνου, Άννα Κασώλη-Φουρναράκη Επιστημονικές εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου Α.Ε. |
Language: | The course is taught in Greek. For exchange students, English literature is proposed and examinations are given in English. |
Internet Links: | http://www.unep.org
http://www.explainthatstuff.com/waterpollution.html |
Department of Environment
“Xenia” Building
University Hill
81100 Mytilene
Lesvos, Greece
Τηλ.: 22510 36200,
22510 36202
Fax: 22510 36209
E-mail: secr-env@aegean.gr