(Course Code: 338Υ, Course outline)
(Course Code: 338Υ, Course outline)
Semester: | 6 | Teaching Credits: | 3 | ECTS Credits: | 6 | Type: |
Optional Compulsory |
Prerequisite Courses: | Introduction to Topographic Mapping and GIS | Course type: | Skills development | Instructor: | – |
The laboratory is designed to first familiarize the student with basic methods of digital remote sensing and then to work out an integrated project on environmental applications using advanced systems such as Ilwis, Erdas Imagine, Idrisi, etc. The project is worked out individually, or, in teams on topics taken from current research programs in the Department. The environmental applications for the final project cover the areas: land and sea environment, atmosphere, land cover, residential and industrial areas, agriculture, forestry, archaeology, geology, etc. The proposed project could also be an exercise in another application course, as well as, a part of the senior project thesis.
Weekly topics: |
Lectures and Laboratories are performed in the following sequence: Lectures 1. Characteristics of digital images, imaging systems 2. Digital image processing, enhancement, ortho correction, fusion 3. Image classification 4. Vegetation, agriculture 5. Land cover, land use 6. Natural environment 7. Urban environment 8. Atmosphere 9. Sea environment, extraction of SST from NOAA AVHRR 10. Natural disasters 11. Studies of environmental impact 12.Material review 13. Presentation of projects Lab assignments 1. Visualization of a single band 2. Enhancement of a digital image 3. Visualization of a multiband image 4. Geometric correction 5. Multiband processing 6. Image classification. Final project: select the topic 7. Orthorectification. Final project: work flow design 8. Final project: Image processing 9. Final project: Ground samples 10. Final project: Classification 11. Final project: Production of results 12. Final project: Discussion / Evaluation of results 13. Final project: Final report |
Theory – Lectures (hours / week): |
2. Lectures are part of the Lab with mandatory presence |
Exercises – Laboratories (hours / week): |
2. Mandatory presence |
Other Activities: | – |
Grading: |
Lab-Exercizes 20%. Final exam 40%. Final report and presentation 40%. |
Notes: | In electronic form in the Web Vista |
Basic Textbook: |
Language: | The course is taught in Greek. For exchange students, English literature is proposed and examinations are given in English |
Internet Links: | http://eos.gsfc.nasa.gov/
http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.eurimage.com/ http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/SS/GEOG/Virtual/remoteintro.html http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/~gong/textbook/ http://www.usda.gov/ http://www.usgs.gov/ http://www.fs.fed.us/ http://www.ciesin.org/ http://www.intergraph.com/ http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/ http://eros.usgs.gov http://www.esri.com/ http://www.ksu.edu/rssg/ http://www.spotimage.fr http://www.spot.com http://www.esa.int/esaEO/SEMWNICUHTG_index_0.html https://www.env.aegean.gr/labs/Remote_sensing/Remote_sensing.htm http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/subsets/?subset=Europe_3_03 http://forecast.uoa.gr/gmap/index.php?lat=39.086370096650704&lon=26.560821533203125 |
Department of Environment
“Xenia” Building
University Hill
81100 Mytilene
Lesvos, Greece
Τηλ.: 22510 36200,
22510 36202
Fax: 22510 36209
E-mail: secr-env@aegean.gr