(Course Code: 334KEΥ, Course outline)
(Course Code: 334KEΥ, Course outline)
Semester: | 5 | Teaching Credits: | 3 | ECTS Credits: | 6 | Type: |
Optional Compulsory |
Prerequisite Courses: | – | Course type: | Skills development | Instructor: | – |
Scientific and technological methods for the collection and processing of information with remote sensing methods such as satellite images and their usage in environmental applications.
Weekly topics: |
Lectures and Laboratories are performed in the following sequence: Lectures Lecture 1: Photointerpretation. Geometry of images Lecture 2: Nature and properties of Electomagnetic Radiation. Lecture 3: Optical systems- conventional photography, aerial photography. Lecture 4: Electrooptical sensors, Depth of field – Characteristic curve. Lecture 5: Images in thermal infrared. Lecture 6: Metric information – Photogrammetry, Radar images. Lecture 7: Design of softcopy photogrammetric instruments. Lecture 8: Satellite images and radar images. Lecture 9: Radiometric and geometric correction of digital satellite images. Lecture 10: Atmospheric correction of digital images. Lecture 11: Multispectral classification. Lecture 12: Density slicing and edge enhancement. Lecture 13: Principal components, convolution filtering, Fourier transforms. Lab assignements Lab 1: Extraction of qualitative information from images. Lab 2: Extraction of metric information from images. Lab 3: Optics, lences, conventional photography. Lab 4: Photography of objects. Lab 5: Radiometry – Remote sensing systems. Lab 6: Sensors – Thermal infrared. Lab 7: Radar images. Lab 8: Digital image, radiometric enhancement. Lab 9: Digital image processing, classification. Lab 10: Object drawing from images. |
Theory – Lectures (hours / week): |
2. Lectures are part of the Lab with mandatory presence |
Exercises – Laboratories (hours / week): |
2. Mandatory presence |
Other Activities: | – |
Grading: |
Lab-Exercizes 30%. Final exam 70%. |
Notes: | In electronic form in the Server. |
Basic Textbook: |
Language: | The course is taught in Greek. For exchange students, English literature is proposed and examinations are given in English. |
Internet Links: | http://www.sci-ctr.edu.sg/ssc/publication/remotesense/rms1.htm http://www.eurimage.com/ http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/SS/GEOG/Virtual/remoteintro.html http://www.uswcl.ars.ag.gov/EPD/remsen/rsagintr.htm http://www.meto.umd.edu/~owen/ESSE/lynn1.htm http://www.brunel.ac.uk:8080/depts/geo/SATMARKS/Sensor.html http://www.cla.sc.edu/geog/rslab/rsccnew/ http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/~gong/textbook/ http://redwood.cnr.berkeley.edu/ http://www.usda.gov/ http://www.usgs.gov/ http://www.fs.fed.us/ |
Department of Environment
“Xenia” Building
University Hill
81100 Mytilene
Lesvos, Greece
Τηλ.: 22510 36200,
22510 36202
Fax: 22510 36209
E-mail: secr-env@aegean.gr