Weekly topics: |
- Types of waste, Policy and status, Reasons for application of waste-to-energy, Alternative pathways for thermochemical conversion processes: Combustion, Pyrolysis and Gasification / Gasification as a Thermal Process: Characteristics, thermodynamics
- Lab work, analytical tools, characterization of waste as fuels. Energy efficiency, Efficiency Factors, Application of R1 formula and comparison with the 3T method
- Lab work, analytical tools, Mass and Energy balances, Assessment of mass flows, utilization of software STAN 2.5, Enthalpy and exergy of steam, Isentropic efficiency of turbines
- Tar protocol, and technical specification CEN/TS 15439, Calculating the equivalent ratio, Chemical and physical exergy of biomass, syngas, air and flue gases
- Lab work, Thermal and electricity measurements: Data logger, thermocouples, Flow measurements: Pitot tubes, Prandtl tubes etc., Mass and energy balances in gasification plants, Balancing the nitrogen and the carbon
- Group project: Students will be asked to be separated in groups. Each group will perform one task, of a series of tasks that are necessary for the implementation of a full technical report of a gasification plant. This will include monitoring, lab analysis, mass and energy balances and modelling.
- Lab work, Computational tools, Introduction to the equilibrium software Cantera