Assistant Professor
Director of the Undergraduate Program
Office: Xenia A Building – Room 307
Phone number: +3022510 36235
Ecology and nature conservation, particularly of birds: bird migratory behavior and breeding ecology, small mammal ecology, wetland ecology, animal communities in Mediterranean ecosystems, and birds in Mediterranean pine woodlands.
Zannetos S.P., Theodorou K., Zevgolis Y.G., Galinou E. & Akriotis T. (2024) Habitat Suitability Assessment for Two Burrowing Rodents on the Island of Lesvos: A Niche-Based Approach. Life. 2024; 14(10):1231.
Stefanatou A., Markoulatou E., Koukmenidis I., Vouzi L., Petousi I., Stasinakis A.S., Rizzo A., Masi F., Akriotis Tr. & Fountoulakis M.S. (2024) Use of ornamental plants in floating treatment wetlands for greywater treatment in urban areas. Science of The Total Environment, 912:169448
Zevgolis Y.G., Akriotis T., Dimitrakopoulos P.G. & Troumbis A.Y. (2023) Integrating thermal indices and phenotypic traits for assessing tree health: A comprehensive framework for conservation and monitoring of urban, agricultural, and forest ecosystems. Applied Sciences, 13(17): 9493
Zevgolis Y., Sazeides Chr., Zannetos St., Grammenou V., Fyllas N., Akriotis Tr., Dimitrakopoulos P.G. & Troumbis A., (2022) Investigating the effect of resin collection and detecting fungal infection in resin-tapped and non-tapped pine trees, using minimally invasive and non-invasive diagnostics. Forest Ecology and Management, 524:120498
Department of Environment
“Xenia” Building
University Hill
81100 Mytilene
Lesvos, Greece
Τηλ.: 22510 36200,
22510 36202
Fax: 22510 36209