
Ph.D. Degrees

Our Department is proud of its diverse and thriving Ph.D. students’ communtity

If you are interested in pursuing Ph.D. research with the Department of Environment, as a first step you should contact directly the member(s) of staff you would like to have as your supervisor(s).

Upon agreeing with your potential supervisor, you may apply for the Ph.D. course. For the full, formal requirements for non-Greek nationals wishing to pursue doctoral studies, please check here.

The Ph.D. courses in the Department of Environment last a minimum of three calendar years. They have no fees  yet you may be required to successfully conclude a number of post-graduate level courses during the first year of your Ph.D. studies.

Conferment of a Ph.D. degree is dependent upon the successful defense of the Ph.D. thesis and the publication of at least one research paper based on the student’s Ph.D. research.

For more information, please email the Department’s Secretariat.