Undergraduate Degree

The Department of Environment’s Undergraduate Study Program is certified by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education for the 2020-2024 period, as “FULLY COMPLIANT” with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG2015).
You may read the full report here.
The aim of the Department’s Undergraduate studies program is for its graduates to be able to comprehend and analyze the various environmental issues and to develop plans and policies for addressing any environmental problems. The Undergraduate studies’ program is organized in two layers:
The first layer (covering the first two years of study) includes a number of compulsory courses, offering the students the scientific background which is necessary for the continuation of their studies
The second layer (covering the final two years of study) includes a number of optional/elective courses and the writing of a (compulsory) thesis, offering the students the opportunity to get a deeper understanding and to specialize into a particular environmental sciences’ domain under the supervision of a faculty member (the student’s ‘Academic Mentor/Supervisor’). Here you may find the scientific publications based on the theses or with the participation of our undergraduate students.