(Course Code: 1260KEY, Course outline)
(Course Code: 1260KEY, Course outline)
Semester: | 7 | Teaching Credits: | 3 | ECTS Credits: | 6 | Type: |
Optional Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses: | – | Course type: | Skills development | Instructor: |
Εντεταλμένος Διδάσκων
Weekly topics: | 1. Introduction, discussion about course schedule
2. The object of Educational psychology. 3. Structure of intelligence. Theories of Spearman, Vernon, Thurstone, Guilford, Cattell and Piaget. 4. Learning theories: Learning and cognition, Behavioral perspective, Cognitive perspective, socio-cognitive perspective, Constructivist perspective. 5. Learning and motivation; Self-regulation in education. 6. Classroom Management 7. Dealing with students with emotional or behavioral disabilities. 8. Learning disabilities. 9. Students with disabilities. Categories, aetiology and treatment. 10. School assessment: Notion, construction of tests and their use in school practice, principles and assigning grades. 11. -13.Case study Presentations |
Theory – Lectures (hours / week): |
3 |
Exercises – Laboratories (hours / week): |
– |
Other Activities: |
Case studies, Visits to schools, Working groups |
Grading: |
Mandatory attendance and fullfillment of all assignments. Assignment (10 points) Presentations (10 points) Program Design (10 points) Participation (10 points) Total (40 points) |
Notes: | – |
Basic Textbook: |
Language: |
Greek. For exchange students, English literature is proposed and examinations are given in English. |
Internet Links: | – |
Department of Environment
“Xenia” Building
University Hill
81100 Mytilene
Lesvos, Greece
Τηλ.: 22510 36200,
22510 36202
Fax: 22510 36209
E-mail: secr-env@aegean.gr