Weekly topics: |
Lectures and Laboratories are performed in the following sequence: Lectures 1. Introduction to Topographic mapping, specifications, Geometry of coordinates CoGo (Intersection). 2. Geometry of coordinates CoGo (Traversing, stadia and theodolite mapping) 3. Design and reproduction of thematic and topographic map 4. Construction of a hydrographic map 5. Reference Systems, Projections, Digital mapping and GIS 6. Digital mapping and GIS 7. Digital Terrain Models DTM/DEM 8. Map interpretation, map algebra 9. Map algebra 10. Global Positioning systems – GPS 11. Introduction to Photogrammetry 12. Introduction to Remote Sensing 13. New Technologies Lab assignements Lab Exercise 1: Processing of field data, Computation of intersection Lab Exercise 2: Traverse adjustment by compass rule Lab Exercise 3: Topographic map design Lab Exercise 4: Hydrographic map design Lab Exercise 5: Digitizing a topographic map Lab Exercise 6: Generation of DTM/DEM, perspective view, automatic contour drawing Lab Exercise 7: Map reading(coordinates, distances, areas and volumes). Lab Exercise 8: GPS surveys. Lab Exercise 10: Reading and interpretation of a topographic map |
Theory – Lectures (hours / week): |
2. Lectures are part of the Lab with mandatory presence |
Exercises – Laboratories (hours / week): |
2. Mandatory presence. |
Other Activities: | – |
Grading: | Lab-Exercizes 30%.
Final exam 70%. |
(Course Code: 329Υ, Course outline)