Editorial Board

Christos AkratosUniversity of Patras, Greece
Henrik Rasmus AndersenTechnical University of Denmark, Denmark
George BiskosThe Cyprus Institute, Cyprus
Aleh CherpCentral European University (CEU), Hungary
Athanasios ChimisCentre for Planning and Economic Research, Greece
Konstantinos EvangelinosUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Angeliki FotiadiUniversity of Patras, Greece
Johannes FoufopoulosUniversity of Michigan, USA
Nikolaos FyllasUniversity of Oxford, UK
Petros GaganisUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Alexandros GeorgopoulosAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Evangelos GerasopoulosNational Observatory of Athens, Greece
Nikolaos HatzianastassiouUniversity of Ioannina, Greece
Nikoleta JonesAnglia Ruskin University, UK
Olga-Ioanna KalantziUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Athanasios KallimanisUniversity of Patras, Greece
Giorgos KallisUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Catalunya
John KaramichasQueens’ University Belfast, UK
Elena KazakouCentre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, France
Georgios KokkorisUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Constantinos KorfiatisUniversity of Cyprus, Cyprus
Effie KostopoulouUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Haralampos KoutalakisNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Joop de KrakerOpen University, the Netherlands
Dimitra LambropoulouAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Evangelos ManolasDemocritus University of Thrace, Greece
Christos MatsoukasUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Myrto PetreasCalifornia Environmental Protection Agency, USA
Eftichis SartzetakisUniversity of Macedonia, Greece
Palanivel SathishkumarUniversiti Teknologi, Malaysia
Constantina SkanavisUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Dimitris StevisColorado State University, USA
Kostas TheodorouUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Nikolaos ThomaidisNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Andreas TroumbisUniversity of the Aegean, Greece
Joseph TzanopoulosUniversity of Kent, UK
Chloe VlassopoulouUniversité de Picardie – Jules Verne (UPJV), France
Ioannis VyridesTechnical University of Cyprus, Cyprus